Points Season 2: Rewards and Loyalty
- There are 2 ways to earn points: Lending points and borrowing points.
- All points are worth the same, but borrowing earns you more points than lending this season
- Loyalty is an important trait for season 2. The longer you use Arcadia, the more points you earn. We want people who actively use Arcadia to be rewarded the most.
- Additionally, we’re introducing a special boost for veAerodrome holders. Aerodrome veAERO holders that use arcadia will be eligible to earn 1x boost on arcadia points. A 1x boost means veAERO holders will be earning double the amount of points normal users are earning for using arcadia. You must hold at least 500 veAERO to be eligible.
Lending points
Lending points are awarded to people that deposit USDC or ETH into the lending pools (not the strategies). When you deposit you earn 1 point per $ per hour. That’s it. There are no points boost applied to the lending side this season.
Tips to maximize your lending points:
- Lend more: The more $$ you lend, the more points you earn
- Lend for longer: the longer your $$ remain in the pools, the more points you earn
- Don’t withdraw: If you withdraw you lose points
Borrowing points
Borrowing points work differently than lending points. When you deposit into an arcadia strategy and apply leverage (aka borrow from pools) you are rewarded with 0.30 points per hour. For example, say you have 5x leverage on your current strategy. This means that you would be earning 0.30 (basis points) x 4 (leverage) = 1.2 points per hour in total.
Tips for maximizing your borrow points:
- Borrow more: Deposit into a strategy and use the highest available leverage
- Borrow longer: Keep your strategy and your leverage open for longer
- Don’t withdraw: Every time you close your strategy you lose borrow points
Point Boost
This season there’s only one boost available:
- Aerodrome boost: veAERO holders that use arcadia and hold at least 500 veAERO in their wallet earn a 1x boost on top of the points they earn for their activities in arcadia.
Loyalty is key for getting the most point rewards during season 2. To maximize point rewards at the end of this season simply have the highest loyalty score.
The people that have been using arcadia for longer and didn’t withdraw for the entire time will earn the highest loyalty score at the end of the season and will earn the most points as a result.
We want to reward the people that are most active in arcadia and that contribute the most to the protocol. People that actively use the protocol for the entire duration of the season will earn most of the points. People that borrow will earn more than people that lend. You can track your points in the leaderboard.
Start earning points at https://arcadia.finance/